Tuesday 1 December 2015

Innovation and Challenges in Malaysian Agriculture

Technological Innovation from Research Institutes


--Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
--It is a is a government body in Malaysia under Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based  Industry (MOA).
--Malaysian Palm Oil Board
--It is a government agency responsible for the promotion and development of the palm oil industry in Malaysia.
--It is one of agencies under Malaysia's Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities.
3. MCB
--Malaysian Cocoa Board
--It is a federal statutory research and development agency under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Comodities (previously called Ministry of Primary Industries Malaysia).
4. MRB
--Malaysian Rubber Board
--It is the custodian of the rubber industry in Malaysia.

1. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
3. Universiti Malaya (UM)


1. Sime Darby
2. IOI
3. FELDA ( Federal Land & Development Authority)
4. FELCRA (Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority)

Research and Innovation Technology

1. Oil Palm
--It is Malaysia's golden crop contributing about RM30 billion to its gross national product (GNP) annually.
--Improve the yield of oil palm to 35 tonnes fresh fruit bunches per hectare per year, using the Tenera hybrid bred from the crossing of Dura and Pisifera varieties in early years.
2. Rubber
--MRB has developed high yield and disease resistant clones.
--A high grade rubber named Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR) has been introduced in the form of heveacrumb ( internationally recognized as high quality raw material).

3. Cocoa
--In 2002, a biotechnology division of the MCB was established to implement research and development in cocoa biotechnology and provide services to the entire cocoa industry by developing new technology, capacity building and innovation.
--Agrobiotechnology to improve productivity and production efficiency
--Biotechnology to enhance the quality of cocoa products
--Industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology to obtain new products (useful bioactive compounds).

4. Paddy
--Malaysia currently achieves 70% self-sufficiency in rice.
--The use of a specially formulated chemical fertilizer in trial plats was successfully in doubling paddy yield and producing better quality rice.
--Vita-grow is a foliar fertilizer developed by UPM to enhance growth in paddy, vegetables, fruits and ornamentals.
--Zappa is another UPM product that enhances rapid germination and tillering.

Future Challenges in Agriculture

1. Labour
--There is dire shortage of labour in Malaysia.
--Local youths are less interested in agriculture.

2. Price
--Increase in price of fertilizers, seeds, tools and equipments has affected the cost of agricultural production.

3. Crop Choice
--Big Conglomerates are not interested in agriculture other than planting oil palm and rubber.

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