Friday 4 December 2015

Approaches To Agricultural Development In Malaysia



National Agricultural Policy (Background) <ul><li>Since 1984, three National Agricultural Policy (NAP) were formulated to ...

New agricultural lands were opened with emphasis on export crops, in particular oil palm and cocoa in order to increase foreign exchange, create employment and eradicate poverty.Government invest heavily on:

  • infrastructure .
  • institutional building.
  • new land development for oil palm and cocoa.
  • in-situ development to resolve uneconomic farm size and low productivity among small holder

<ul><ul><li>Emphasis of NAP 2 (1992-1997):  </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Increasing productivity, efficiency & competiti...

Placed greater emphasis on:
  • sustainable agriculture
  • expanding food production,
  • agro-based industrial development
  • greater role of the private sector, biodiversity and conservation
At the international level, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was established with rapid liberalization of agricultural trade creating increased competition albeit new market opportunities.

<ul><li>Emphasis of NAP 3 (1998-2010): </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector </l...

The policy is created to enhance the nation's global competitiveness and to ensure continuous growth of agriculture.There are 2 new strategic approaches are adopted:
  • Agroforestry approach in which agriculture and forestry are viewed as an integrated entity, mutually compatible and complementary, thereby providing a scope for joint development
  • Product-based approach to enhance the upstream agricultural production and downstream agricultural produce together with nich marketing are implemented. 

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