Saturday 3 October 2015

Agro-ecological System


A. Climate
Lies between the Tropic of Cancer in the north and the Capricorn in the south
Based on the amount of rainfall and temperature
Divided into ; super humid, humid and dry zone
Humid and super humid; very high average daily ambient temperature and heavy rainfall – hot and humid throughout the year
Grow plants

Neither too warm nor too cold
Neither too wet nor too dry
Four seasons are identified; summer, winter, spring and autumn
Crops are usually planted I. Spring and harvested during summer
But during winter, they plant under controlled environment such as glass-house
For livestock so, temperate climate appears the most suitable for all animals farming

Very low temperatures and short growing season with little water and sunshine
Three types ; Arctic, Antartic, Alpine
Dominant vegetation; grasses, mosses, lichens
Crops are hardly be grown, but farming is possible but in restricted enclosures with adequate water supply

Receive very little precipitation <250mm annually
Extreme diurnal temperature range , very high in the day and very low at night
Plants: xerophytic type

B. Water
Needed for seed germination, root development, and subsequent growth
The earliest civilation started at the river banks : the Nile Valley in Egypt and Tigris-Eupharates in Mesopotamia

C. Soil
Nutrient cycle
Rain water > ground soaked up by soil > plants > loses to air through evaporation
Factors of soil formation: parent material, climate, topography, vegetation and time


Need mans with knowledge and skills at different level
Today’ s agricultural need strong science and technology
Needs scientist and researcher to do research from production until marketing level
Also need labor for land  works


Global agro-ecological zones
- Due to varying soils and climatic conditions, specific sites are only suitable for some commodities, crops or animals.

Tundra – ( very cold climate, low biotic diversity)
Grassland ( low fertile land, mild climate)
Deserts – ( very little precipitation,extreme diurnal temperature barren land)
Tropics – ( rain and sunshine all year round, rainforest)


Impact of climate change

Global warming
- Extensive use of fuels releases carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and methane which increase the global temperature and caused climatic instability
- Led to hurricanes, floods, droughts
- Melting polar ice cause to lowlands

- Expansion of desert land due to climatic change
- Less arable land for agriculture
Impact of pollution

Acid rain

- Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emitted to atmosphere translate into rain acid
- Low pH of water, leave impact on forest, less water and soil,affecting crops and animal production

Heavy metals

- Zinc copper and lead that involved in pollution
- They bound to negative charges of some soil particles rendering them less soluble in water

-excessive use of chemical pesticides led to undesirable health effects and reduces biodiversity

- Led to excessive enrichment of the water ( eutrophication) , help to rapid algal growth creates an oxygen deficit aquatic ecosystem and killing off aquatic life.

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